Saturday, January 13, 2007


I decided to begin this blog because through my searches on the interent, my reading of blogs and letters from Iraqi citizens, I am learning more and more about what the people of Iraq are enduring. Their stories are heartbreaking and the truth of what is really happening in Iraq comes to the forefront.

From my readings, I have discovered the true heart of the Iraqi citizen, and all the suffering they are enduring, much at the hands of their own government officials, so proudly touted by our own President, Bush. No amount of troops will be able to engage the Iraqi citizen in hoping for a better Iraq, and Iraq of peace because the US Government has absolutely no understanding of the delicate religious balance that exists in the country at the moment, the terror squads, some that are "fake police" that kill without mercy. We don't hear these stories here in the United States because if American citizens knew the TRUTH of what is actually happening in Iraq at this very moment, they would be outraged at what President Bush has created in his ill-advised hasty decision to invade that country. I intend to bring to you writings and letters from within Iraq and from Jordan where there are well over a million Iraqi refugees so that the we, the citizens of the United States can read for ourselves the agony of the Iraqi citizen. Please understand, the writings at times are not grammatically correct as their english is at times difficult for them.

First Installment:

people are dying and the Iraqi media are away (written by: Nabil)

in the last few days, at least 150 people were killed (AT LEAST), because they were sunnis or shiite, and where are the Iraqi army and police from these incidents????... no one knows... The Iraqi prime minster goes on TV, and he say (the situation in Iraq is improving though its coverd with the smell of the iraqi blood), what the hell is that??????......!!!!!..the day before yesterday, in Al-Jihad neighberhood in Baghdad, in the early hours of morning, 50 iraqi sunni people were killed, by fake patrols of the Police (but in fact they were from Al-Mahdi army) ps: Al-Mahdi army is led by the shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadir, and why they were killed because they were sunnis... those people were going to their shops, works and schools and they were stopped by these fake patrols, and they were asked for their IDs and when they found that the person they catch is a sunni (they can know if he/she is sunni or shiite by their name and their address) they kill him/her, just like that because they were sunnis, sunni neigberhoods are being attacked by Al-Mahdi army everyday.. and the Iraqi national Tv (al iraqia tv channel) haven't said a word about what happend, I mean 50 people were killed because they were sunnis, and the Iraqi Tv just neglect that....The Iraqi government is away from all these things, they are busy collecting money and they're doing nothing to the Iraqi people, Iraqi prime minster says that there is no civil war in Iraq and that soon everything will be under control, and hundreds of people are dying everyday...the situation just makes you laugh because they're all are ignorants, all the men in the government are ediots, they care only for their interst and for their chair in the parlimentt, even the sunni politicians when they got their chairs in the parliment, they just shut their mouths and why is that because they are getting paid for shutting their mouths...its just killing me to see my country like this, Iraqis are killing each other and no one knows why, is it because their religions, is it because they want to be in the government?, is it because the American troops in Iraq? no one knows why this is happening in Iraq...

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